Verbos con cambio radical

Verbs with two different stems or radicals in the present tense may be called stem-changing verbs, shoe verbs, or boot verbs. The last two names come from the fact that a line drawn around the stem-inverse, present tense conjugations (all forms except nosotros and vosotros) creates a shoe or boot.

The endings for stalk-changing verbs are the aforementioned equally for regular -AR, -ER, and -IR verbs, so you should brand certain that you lot sympathise those conjugations before working on this lesson.

Castilian has three different stem-irresolute patterns:

i. E changes to IE

QUERER – to want
yo quiero nosotros queremos
quieres vosotros queréis
él quiere ellos quieren

Similarly-conjugated verbs (note that there are -AR, -ER, and -IR verbs in this category):

Spanish verb perder

advertir to warn
ascender to go up
atravesar to cantankerous
cerrar to close
comenzar to brainstorm
descender to go downwards
despertarse to wake up
divertirse to have fun
empezar to begin
entender to sympathize
mentir to prevarication
pensar to think
perder to lose
preferir to prefer
quebrar to suspension
querer to want
recomendar to recommend
sentarse to sit down
sentir to feel

2. O changes to UE

PODER – can, to be able to
yo puedo we podemos
puedes vosotros podéis
él puede ellos pueden

Like verbs (in that location are -AR, -ER, and -IR verbs in this category):

Spanish verb volar

acostarse to go to bed
almorzar to eat lunch
contar to count
costar to cost
doler to hurt
dormir to slumber
encontrar to find
jugar* to play
morir to die
mostrar to testify
oler** to smell
probar to try
recordar to remember
soler to be used to
volar to fly
volver to return

* In jugar, the U changes to UE (juego, juegas…)

** In oler, the O changes to HUE (huelo, hueles…)

3. East changes to I

REPETIR – to repeat
yo repito nosotros repetimos
repites vosotros repetís
él repite ellos repiten

Similar verbs (only -IR verbs in this category):

Spanish verb pedir

despedirse to say expert-bye
gemir to moan, groan
impedir to prevent
medir to measure
pedir to inquire for
reír to laugh
seguir to follow, continue
servir to serve
sonreírse to smiling
vestirse to apparel

Spanish quizzes Conjugations Quiz

Retrieve you lot've got it? Exam yourself on Spanish stem-changing verbs:

  • Multiple selection quiz
  • Fill-in-the-blanks: Los patios de Córdoba*

* Annotation: You must be logged into your Progress with Lawless Castilian account to take this test. If you lot don't take one, sign upward – information technology's free!

 Related lessons

  • Stem-changing verbs – PwLS super list
  • Stem-irresolute verbs in the pretérito
  • Stalk-changing verbs in the subjunctive
  • Present tense
  • Spelling change verbs
  • Introduction to verbs
  • Vowels

Learn French En français

  • Verbes à deux radicaux

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Spanish boot verbs